
Rinus Van de Velde: Gaining Here Is Losing There
21 nov. - 13 dec. 2009
Johan van Geluwe: The Museum of Museums
05 sep. - 31 okt. 2009
À Buster Keaton: Marcel Broodthaers, Stefaan Dheedene en Richard Venlet
26 apr. - 28 jun. 2009
Steve Schepens: Horror 30
14 feb. - 29 mrt. 2009
Philip Huyghe: The Shadow House
07 dec. 2008 - 25 jan. 2009
User's End: Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost, Jef Geys, Neal Begs, Dan Shipsides en Ben Moore
28 sep. - 16 nov. 2008
Willy De Sauter - Virginie Bailly
11 mei - 05 jul. 2008
Helmut Stallaerts
24 feb. - 20 apr. 2008
So Close / So Far Away
11 nov. 2007 - 27 jan. 2008
Lucy McKenzie - Thomas Lerooy (In Search Of Past Times, New Spaces, Strange Worlds...)
19 aug. - 07 okt. 2007
'Zintuigensatelliet / Satellite Des Sens' van Atelier Van Lieshout
10 jul. - 23 dec. 2007
Lost Format
04 mrt. - 03 jun. 2007